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About Me.

Moving to Northern California at age 22, Penelope was ready to take on the music world fresh from Univ. of North Alabama's music program, buried deep in the south next door to Muscle Shoals. Instead she found herself immersed in marketing for financial (too much number crunching) , wine (drank too much) and green tech (cool good-doers) sectors. Oops - got lost.

Fast forward 20+ years later, one fateful night at the Petaluma Music Festival brought her back around to the music business. Those years crunching, designing, spreadsheeting, swishing and schmoozing has set the stage (ha!) for helping artists advance in their career. Now she spends her time (24/7) supporting creative artists and helping them navigate and move forward in all aspects of their journey.

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Penelope Grzebik - Managing Director - Artist Relations
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